

With COVID-19 rampant across America, it’s more important than ever to have a disinfecting routine for your business with a company you can trust. EnviroClean is Armor Environmental’s proprietary disinfecting and cleaning process for any surface or space that needs biological cleaning. We consistently update our process with both CDC standards and medical grade procedures to provide a healthy and clean environment. 

Our highly trained professionals use EPA-registered disinfectants and procedures based on the criteria of each space, which we take time to understand and analyze. We are able to disinfect large areas in short periods of time, leaving your space as clean as can be with the least amount of downtime. 

Our employees receive on-going training to ensure they are up-to-date and completely understand the right processes, the latest technology, and how to implement it all effectively.

Don’t hesitate – call us today to get your business up and running safe and effectively! 1-800-413-3070
