Your business is threatened because fire has destroyed all or part of it. You’re in need of a top recovery specialist, and your online search for fire damage restoration companies is raising your stress level even higher. But there is only one call you need to make – to Armor Environmental Solutions. We are here twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and will respond to your call immediately. We won’t let your business go up in smoke.

What causes fires? How can I avoid fire in the first place?

  • Cooking – in restaurants and office break rooms alike, cooking can cause fires.
  • Electrical and heating systems – every building has electrical systems, which can start fires either by user error or system malfunction.
  • Combustibles – most businesses have flammable materials on location somewhere. These materials require both proper storage and employee training to prevent disaster.

How does smoke damage a building?

Even harder in some ways than fire damage recovery, smoke damage is pervasive; we are expert at purging odor and cleaning the air. We also inventory the contents of the space, clean and make repairs if possible, or record any losses for insurance claims, as well as provide storage.

  • Rapid assessment and estimate
  • Fire damage cleaning
  • Smoke damage cleanup
  • Odor removal and air purification
  • Clean up and drying of water damage from extinguishing fire
  • Timely restoration of space to original condition

We will provide any structural stabilization needed, including board-ups to keep your space secure. We use eco-friendly products and methods to clean up any soot or other residues and prevent mold and mildew by using anti-microbials and disinfectants.

We can provide, if needed, complete remodeling, including design and construction, as well as project management. Exterior repairs, roof repairs, odor removal – whatever is needed, we can handle it, quickly and efficiently.

Armor Environmental Services – the “go-to” specialists in fire damage recovery.

Call us anytime at 1-800-413-3070 when your business is hit by the unexpected.